We are a team of three who are passionate about infill development projects, and are currently involved in several projects in the Golden Horseshoe. Each one of us brings a unique set of skills and experiences in development, design and home construction that can help you bring your project to reality.


Charles Wah

Charles of Gateway Group is an accomplished land developer and investor in the Hamilton region. Through strategic insights and partnerships, Charles has navigated the successful land development for over 150 housing units.


Andy M Tran

Andy is a highly sought after designer and consultant for second suites in the Greater Toronto Area. He is an advocate and influential voice for urban intensification. Andy’s company, Suite Additions, has designed over 160 legal second suite conversion projects.


Stephen Ford

Stephen is an experienced real estate investor and home builder. He has supervised over 1000 new home construction projects across the Greater Toronto Area, and is the owner of Stefor Group, where he is a consultant for new home construction projects.